Vol. 24 No. 1 (2020): JANUARY-MARCH

Cuba is a small country, constantly besieged by the United States Empire, a policy that has been strengthening during the Trump Administration. Despite what growing in the midst of all the difficulties imposed by this situation means for Cuba, science is a permanent concern for professionals and they put all their efforts on it to achieve their dreams and hopes.

Guantanamo Province implements the Guidelines for the Economic and Social Policy of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC) and the Revolution through sustainable development programs, taking advantage of the Eastern Cuban benefits and using scientific research as a direct productive force, all this closely related to technology for producing and applying knowledge to reach a wide diffusion in order to achieve a higher socio-economic development in harmony with the environment.

This number of the Magazine Man, Science and Technology collects several works that show how human activity affects ecosystems, being the climate change its most evident result with serious consequences on soil salinization, the viral diseases proliferation such as arbovirosis, the disappearance of endemic bird species, the depletion of fossil energy sources that entails the need of using renewable energy sources, among others.

Published: 2020-01-10
