Vol. 24 No. 3 (2020): JULY-SEPTEMBER
The challenges that the modern world imposes on Science are increasing every day. According to the man overcomes his goals, he sets other higher ones. Our scientists must solve several problems in their environment in order to satisfy the growing demands in the different areas of social and economic life.
The third number of the Man, Science and Technology Magazine shows some works on important topics related to reduction of the irrigation rule in plantain crop, monitoring agroecosystems affected by salinity, climatic change and epidemiology of the Acute Respiratory Infection, sustainability of the cacao agroecological management, environment-Meningoencephalitis relationship, development of the rural tourism in Guantánamo's Southern Coastal Strip through agroecology, induction of the integrated management approach in local development projects, incidence of predominant species of fruit flies of the Tephritidae family in a community, perception about Pelibuey ovine management, environmental university extension actions system, sustainable environmental management in farms of fragile mountains agroecosystems, organic alternative for the production of lettuce, behavior of CO2 during the clean energy generation, biological effectiveness of the insecticide Ciantraniliprol for the Trips control, evolution of the access to lands in usufruct in Cuba: impacts and restrictions.