Vol. 24 No. 4 (2020): OCTOBER-DECEMBER

The Man, Science and Technology Magazine presents its fourth issue of the year 2020. This time, the articles are focused on interesting topics which are derived from necessary studies for human development.

The imminent need for the production of food, from vegetable and animal origin, in these times of pandemic, in which a famine threatens globally, is represented in articles such as: Technological evaluation of the soil preparation of Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.); Response of the green beans (Vigna unguiculata L.)  to the simple and combined applications of FitoMas-E® and EcoMic®, Grassland indicators in plant-animal interface according to season and grazing methods; Strengthening local agricultural management through a sustainable and resilient agriculture model; Efficient microorganisms’ effect vs. Vitafer probiotics in controlling enteric disorders in swine pre-fattening; Procedure to improve planning for short-term financing of agricultural business.

Another issue that worries the Guantanamo scientific community is the study of the different ecosystems, as well as their protection.  These articles have to do with this topic: Characterization of floristic species biodiversity in the Hatibonico Ecological Reserve; Biodiversity of woody flora in a submontane rainforest fom Alejandro de Humbolt National Park; Ecological restoration proposal for a coastal and sub-coastal xeromorphic scrub in the semi-arid zone of Guantánamo; Severe local storming in Yateras Municipality; Theoretical foundations for the observance of the virtues and the environmental ethical values.

Of equal interest are the works related to the rational use of natural resources such as wood: Commercial volume table for Pinus cubensis in the “Omar Ranedo” sawmill, Guantánamo Agroforestry Company; NC ISO application: 50001/2011 in Pueblo Nuevo Sawmill, Imias, during the last three years.

Some impacts in the First Edition graduates in the Agrarian Extension specialty, Holguín, Cuba, is a collaboration received from the eastern province of Holguín and in this case a subject related to knowledge management is addressed through a postgraduate specialty.

Concern for human health is also represented in number 4 by means of the work: Early diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer by the clinic laboratory studies and the influence of environmental factors This is one of the cancers that is becoming more and more frequent nowadays.

Published: 2020-10-12
