Vol. 26 No. 4 (2022): OCTOBER-DECEMBER

The fourth issue of the year 2022 presents a wide variety of articles by this time. Not only the usual topics on agriculture and veterinary science, but also topics related to environmental education, wind energy generation and government management: Evaluation of phytotoxicity of industrial waste from bioassays with vegetables; Educational programs for the development of environmental initiative versus contemplation of the ecological crisis; Urgency of eliminating non-payment chains, a guarantee of financial health in the Cuban agricultural sector; Spatio-temporal characteristics of aeroavalanches in Guantanamo province in the period 1980-2021; Aerial vegetation and weed seed bank in the sugarcane ecosystem of Guantanamo province; Answer of Varieties of Sugar Cane, to Micorrizas's inoculation; Sensitivity studies from economic and financial feasibility of Punta de Maisí wind farm project; Environmental management from the university-government-business communication relations system, based on science and innovation; Green map as an alternative for environmental improvement in the community of Raposo. Guantanamo; Characterization of the Semideciduo Micrófilo forest in the Southern Coast of Maisí; Insect diversity in Pinus cubensis G. forests at Empress Agroforestry Baracoa; Structure and composition of woods species in mountain rainforest, study case in UEB Quibijan; Obtaining seedlings of Anacardium occidentale L with the use of bioproducts to rehabilitate areas degraded by mining; Environmental guidance management in the initial training of graduates in Physical Culture; Control of the Phytophthora capsici Leonian in the cultivation of pepper (Capsicum spp.) in the state of Jalisco, Mexico

Published: 2022-10-20
