Perception about Pelibuey ovine management in Niceto Perez ecosystems, Guantanamo.
Perception, ovine Pelibuey, producersAbstract
The investigation is aimed to identify producers' perception in ecosystems from Niceto Perez municipality. From the methodological point of view, this work has an exploratory, descriptive and non-experimental perspective. A deep analysis was necessary in order to evaluate the perception on ovine Pelibuey's handling as well as bibliographic previous revision and later consultation with investigators and actors keys with experiences in the activity, what made possible to define the perception and two of its variables demonstrating the existence of correspondence between the recognition of the Pelibuey ovine specie handling and the actions made by the producers, what contributes a loud perception in this community. Knowledges on the principal infectious and parasitic diseases were identified. Decision of the producers to transform the Pelibuey ovine handling perspective is evident. The formation revealed social practices containing moral values and attitudes of an ovine handling culture.
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