Agroproductive traditions in La Colonia of Monte Ruz: an approach from the Popular Education
popular education, traditions agroproductive, rural traditions, local developmentAbstract
The investigation was developed in La Colonia de Monte Ruz community belonging to Limonar of the municipality El Salvador in the understood period of January-June of the 2013 with the objective of designing a project of community transformation that contributes to the improvement of the quality of the residents' of this rural community by means of the rescue, revaluation and promotion of knowledge and traditions rural agroproductive. This study is an indispensable tool for the achievement of more efforts, based on the methodology of the Popular Education, it was used the ethnographic study and other techniques of social work. It was obtained as result that the beneficiaries of the project will be the 409 inhabitants of La Colonia de Monte Ruz community and especially to all those that develop agricultural activities with gender independence or age.Â
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