Bioactive potentialities of the flora of Nipe Sagua-Baracoa massif.


  • Lic. Noryaisi Abreu-Romero Centro de Desarrollo de la Montaña. Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • M Sc.Lázaro Cotilla-Pelier Centro de Desarrollo de la Montaña. Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Lic. Arleis Abreu-Romero Centro de Desarrollo de la Montaña. Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • M Sc. Amaury Díaz-Rodríguez Centro de Desarrollo de la Montaña. Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • M Sc. Irliadis Urgelles-Cardoza Centro de Desarrollo de la Montaña. Guantánamo, Cuba.


NipeSagua-Baracoa massif, bioactive potentialities, flora


It is of vital importance the completing of the study of the biodiversity of this area, to achieve their use and rational use, and mainly the one referred to the bioactive potentialities that it has the same one, since their main economic activity constitutes the agricultural production for what its protection is of vital importance. In such a sense, this work is developed with the objective of evaluating the bioactive potentialities of the flora belonging to the Nipe - Sagua - Baracoa massif for its use in the agriculture. For this, collections,herborizationspecies and taxonomic classification isperformed. As a result it was proven that the raw extracts obtained starting from seeds of the species Citrus paradisi L and Citrus aurantium L inhibited significantly the micelial growth of the phytopatogen mushroom Curvularia sp, that it does attractive any alternative guided to the handling and control of the same one.


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How to Cite

Abreu-Romero, L. N., Cotilla-Pelier, M. S., Abreu-Romero, L. A., Díaz-Rodríguez, M. S. A., & Urgelles-Cardoza, M. S. I. (2015). Bioactive potentialities of the flora of Nipe Sagua-Baracoa massif. Man, Science and Technology, 19(3), 94–100. Retrieved from




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