Feasibility Study to support the Propagation of cocoa in Baracoa. Cuba.


  • Ing. Gizel Lizbeth Cortina-Cayón Centro de Información y Gestión Tecnológica, Guantánamo. CIGET
  • Ing. Eliecer Constante-Bonnané Centro de Información y Gestión Tecnológica, Guantánamo. CIGET
  • Ing. Arline Rodríguez-Cambas Centro de Información y Gestión Tecnológica, Guantánamo. CIGET
  • Lic. Yuneisy Peña-Arias Centro de Información y Gestión Tecnológica, Guantánamo. CIGET
  • Lic. José Miguel Pérez-Trejo Centro de Información y Gestión Tecnológica, Guantánamo. CIGET


cocoa; production cacaotera; cultivation of cocoa


The Cocoa Propagation Center has as its main mission to meet the demand for cocoa seedlings demanded by the cocoa production development program. The study carried out aims to increase the production of cocoa stances, by assembling two new facilities with micrograft technologies under cover of cultivation houses, which will increase the production of cocoa seedlings by 24% and reach 54% of satisfaction of the demand with the required quality. It will also allow to improve working conditions, humanizing the production process more, with more acceptable working conditions and beneficial for the health of workers. As a result, it is estimated that, in an approximate period of two years, a gradual recovery of cocoa production in the territory can be experienced, which was severely affected by Hurricane Mathew passing through the area. 


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How to Cite

Cortina-Cayón, I. G. L., Constante-Bonnané, I. E., Rodríguez-Cambas, I. A., Peña-Arias, L. Y., & Pérez-Trejo, L. J. M. (2019). Feasibility Study to support the Propagation of cocoa in Baracoa. Cuba. Man, Science and Technology, 23(4), 34–44. Retrieved from http://hct.cigetgtmo.co.cu/revistahct/index.php/htc/article/view/992




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