Influences of metabolites of Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler on growth micelial of Sclerotium's micelial rolfsii Sacc.
metabolites isolated, hongo fitopatógeno Alternaria alternataAbstract
The influence of a fraction of metabolites isolated from the phytopathogen fungus Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler. on the micelial growth of Sclerotium rolfsi Sacc. was evaluated. The procedure of static culture of the pathogen in potato broth medium, at room temperature, during 15 days, was used, followed by the application of an appropriate filtration outline to obtain the fraction of metabolites. A bioassay was carried out with the obtained product to determine its effect on the micelial growth of Sclerotium rolfsi Sacc. and the results shown a significant stimulation effect. The qualitative analytical screening shown the presence, in the fraction, of proteins and glycosides which could be the cause of the observed biological effect.
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