Productive response of the runner bean (Vigna unguiculata Sub sp sesquipedalis) to the effect of Mudra Extra®
Mudra Extra, Vigna unguiculata, flowering.Abstract
In order to evaluate the productive response of the bean (Vigna unguiculata) crop with the application of Mudra Extra®, an investigation was carried out on a randomized block design with four treatments and five replications. Different applications of Mudra Extra® were made at the time of flowering. The height of the plant was evaluated; stem diameter, number of leaves, pod weight and yield. From the data obtained, an analysis of variance was performed, the means were separated through Duncan's test and the results were economically evaluated. It was obtained that those who received Mudra Extra® applications showed greater growth and performance. Of the treatments used, the one corresponding to the application of 300 g. ha-1 of Mudra Extra® turned out to be the most suitable for the yield and the obtaining of $ 18,112.65 profits.
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