Environmental university extension actions system in Los Pinos community (Imías).
Community, environment, environmental education, university extensionAbstract
Transforming societies, inside the communities, generates the analysis of alternatives with a new way of perceiving cooperation, collaboration and work as a result of the common effort and based on the training of different social actors for sustainability. The proposal of actions, promotes multiple alternatives linked to cooperate learning. The objective of the work is to develop a system of community environmental actions, to achieve a change in their behavior towards the protection of the Environment. For this purpose, the diagnosis and characterization of the community "Los Pinos", Imías were carried out, methods and techniques were applied, as well as the consultation of specialists to assess the feasibility of the proposal. The actions are based on the theories and principles of environmental education of the national environmental strategy of CITMA and MES for the preparation of the teaching staff of the Municipal University Center of Imías and of the students.
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