Agroecological management strategy in cocoa systems of “Coronel Arturo Lince González” company.
strategy, agroecological managementAbstract
The work was developed in the agroproductive scenarios of "Coronel Arturo Lince González" Agroforestry Company; in this sense, a diagnosis was applied to cocoa producers, where the main problems and potentials were selected. A strategic analysis was formed with the main actions to be developed. A strategy of agroecological management was developed in the cocoa systems that allows to diminish the affectations by plagues and diseases, the increase of the populations of pollinating insects and the increase of the productivity of the cacao cultivation. Once the activities in the cultivation of cacao were developed, an agroecological management strategy for this crop in mountainous conditions could be established. In general, it was observed that "Coronel Arturo Lince González" Agro-forestry Company has acceptable socio-cultural, economic and environmental conditions and it also has adequate human resources to undertake actions for the agroecological management of cocoa plantations.Downloads
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How to Cite
Cribe-Suárez, I. Y., Lores-Pérez, D. A., Meriño-Mayné, I. A., González-García, L. L., & Céspedes-Osorio, I. R. (2019). Agroecological management strategy in cocoa systems of “Coronel Arturo Lince González” company. Man, Science and Technology, 23(1), 75–82. Retrieved from
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