Identification of Colletrotrichum and Xylaria isolated from cocoa leaves in Cuba.
Endophyte fungus, Theobroma cacao, PhytophthoraAbstract
Cocoa plantations in Cuba are affected by the dark rot of the cob, a disease caused by several Phytophthora species. Currently, endophytes fungi appear as an important alternative for the control of this disease. This study was carried out with the objective of identifying strains of endophytes fungi belonging to the Xylaria and Colletotrichum gender present in cocoa plants that could be used in the integrated management of this disease. The endophytes fungi were isolated from apparently healthy leaves of Theobroma cacao during collections in Baracoa. The triple sterilization method was used for the insulation. Isolates were selected for taxonomic identification by morphological characters and found as more common species Colletotrichum gloesporioides followed by Xylaria spp. Future studies are required to select among these strains those that possess potentials as biological control agents of Phytophthora Palmivora, a causative agent of dark rot in Cuba.
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