Implementation of the production of Galleria mellonella in the Mountain Development Center.
Galleria mellonella, lepidopterons, mothAbstract
The investigation was developed in the laboratory of the Mountain Development Center of the Popular Council of Limonar, located in the municipality of El Salvador, county Guantánamo, in the period understood December to July of the 2014, starting from the result of the carried out diagnosis, it was proven that the Galleria mellonella is a lepidopteron, moth of the apiarius that serves like half of feeding for the scorpions and amphibians in captivities. In their state of Heterorarbitis it serves like half of transport for the nematodus production like biological control of the drill of the coffee. Having as objective to implement the production Galleria mellonella, to exploit the nematodus production rationally in the cultivation of the coffee. The obtained results showed that it could implement the Galleria mellonella under laboratory conditions in the Mountain Development Center.
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