Response of radish (Raphanus sativus L) the use of bioactive organic sources and Ecomic Pectimorf.
Raphanus sativus, Pectimorf, Ecomic, organopinic.Abstract
The investigation was developed The Garden of the Caribbean in controlated substrate (Company Cultivations Several Guantánamo), with the objective evaluate the effect of the Pectimorf and Ecomic in the production of Radish (Raphanus sativus L) in the season january-march) 2012. in stonemasons of a 1 m of width for 7 of long, and a depth of effective substrate of 0.30 m, an experimental design was used randomized totally design, the treatments were Pectimorf , Ecomic, Pectimorf + Ecomic and a witness like control treatment. The evaluated indicators were: Percentage of germination, mass dry plant, polar and equatorial diameter of fruit, fresh mass of fruit and yield. Was concluded that is effective the application of Biologycal product like Pectimorf and Ecomic, in order to increase of yield in Radish in controlated substrate conditions.
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