Ecology of the lichenbiota in the town of Limonar, municipality of Salvador
Lichen; Agroecosystem; Morphology; TaxaAbstract
The study was carried out in coffee agroecosystems in the town of Limonar de Monte Ruz from April to June 2023, with the objective of characterizing the diversity of lichen flora in mountainous agroecosystems, the species of lichen flora were inventoried, 20 plots were selected. of rectangular samples, measuring 20 m x 25 m (500 m2), distributed randomly, in each plot the flora species were counted, based on the scientific name, family, taxa and morphology. The relative abundance, relative dominance and frequency of the species were determined; A total of 14 species were recorded, 5 families of which 5 were crustose, 6 foliose and 3 fruticose, the most abundant species and the most dominant turned out to be Parmotremagardneri (C.W. Dodge) Sérus, the most frequent Graphissp sp, Opegrapha sp.
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