Diagnosis of Corporate Social Responsibility in rural and mountain areas of the UEB Commerce and Gastronomy “El Salvador”


  • Yamile Rey-Martínez Centro Universitario Municipal. Municipio El Salvador. Guantánamo
  • Yuneisy Peña-Hernández Centro Universitario Municipal. Municipio El Salvador. Guantánamo
  • Yumaika Peña-Hernández Centro Universitario Municipal. Municipio El Salvador. Guantánamo
  • Juan de Dios Robles - Pastrana Universidad de Guadalajara, Camino Ing. Ramón Padilla Sánchez, 2100, Predio Las Agujas, Zapopan, Jalisco, México
  • Benito Monroy-Reyes Universidad de Guadalajara, Camino Ing. Ramón Padilla Sánchez, 2100, Predio Las Agujas, Zapopan, Jalisco, México


Social and business responsibility; Rural and mountain areas; Economic, social and environmental dimension


With the objective of diagnosing the UEB Commerce and Gastronomy El Salvador, through qualitative and quantitative indicators of the economic, social and environmental dimensions, theoretical aspects of social and business responsibility were addressed and historical background was analyzed. The El Salvador Commerce and Gastronomy Base Business Unit was characterized and the economic, social and environmental dimensions were diagnosed. It was obtained that corporate social responsibility is a business vision that increases competitiveness, reduces risks and improves the reputation of the company. The results indicate that the UEB Commerce and Gastronomy El Salvador meets the economic dimension. The entity partially complies with the social dimension, and complies with the environmental dimension. The entity has programs aimed at minimizing negative impacts in areas considered key, which allow its proper functioning.


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How to Cite

Rey-Martínez, Y. ., Peña-Hernández, Y. ., Peña-Hernández, Y. ., Robles - Pastrana, J. de D. ., & Monroy-Reyes, B. . (2024). Diagnosis of Corporate Social Responsibility in rural and mountain areas of the UEB Commerce and Gastronomy “El Salvador”. Man, Science and Technology, 27(3), 19–28. Retrieved from http://hct.cigetgtmo.co.cu/revistahct/index.php/htc/article/view/1348




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