Structure and composition of woods species in mountain rainforest, study case in UEB Quibijan
Floristic diversity; Species; Structure; Wood speciesAbstract
Vegetation studies in natural forests are very important for the conservation and management of species of economic and ecological interest. In this sense, the research was carried out with the objective of determining the structure and composition of wood species in the mountain rainforest, a study case in UEB Quibiján. For this purpose, simple random samplings were carried out and plots in the rainforests of the locality Los Cedrones, where the present species were identified, in addition, the floristic diversity of the wood species was studied, as well as the horizontal structure of the forest. As a result, it was obtained that from plot 18 the asymptote was reached. The inventory identified 16 families, composed of 23 genera and 24 wood species. Calophyllum antillanum, Manilkara jaimiqui, Dipholis salicifoli and Talauma minor were the most frequent and relatively abundant, as well as those with the highest Ecological Importance Value Index.
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