Structural characterization of a microphyllous evergreen forest in Veguita del Sur, Imias, Guantanamo
floristic composition, dry forest, sociological position and semi-arid zoneAbstract
With the objective of characterizing the structure of microphyllous evergreen forest, the following work was developed at the "Veguitas del Sur" site, Imías, Guantánamo. Twenty sampling plots with an area of 20 x 25 m were established, the flora was inventoried and characterized, registering all woody individuals greater than or equal to 5 cm DBH 1.30. With the values obtained, the horizontal and vertical structure, the importance value index and the diameter distribution were calculated. A total of 19 species and 14 families were recorded, where the species Cordia sulcata DC L. and Lysiloma latisiliqua (L.) Benth, were the ones with the greatest ecological importance and sociological position. The family with the highest species richness was Fabaceae, the vertical structure is made up of three layers. The distribution by diameter classes is characterized by the concentration of individuals in the first two diameter classes.
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