Impacts generated by the soil polygon in the “Eliomar Noa” Agricultural Cooperative
erosion, management, degradation, reforestation, income.Abstract
The research was developed in the Basic Unit of Cooperative Production "Eliomar Noa", Los Cerezos, Imías with the objective of evaluating the economic, social, technological and environmental impacts generated from the implementation of the soil conservation and improvement polygon. A comparison was established between the results of 2013 and 2021, from which two economic, two technological, two social and four environmental indicators were evaluated. The results show favorable results by keeping the cost per peso below $1.00, increasing the production of fruit trees (27.8 t), tubers (21.09 t), as well as personal income ($16,669.90). A greater amount of area is favored with soil conservation and improvement measures, as well as the production of organic fertilizers (112 t) and the reforested area with 80 ha.
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