Explanatory note to apply sylvicultural guidelines and forest use in the Basic Forestry Company Mayari


  • Yordenis Castañeda-Legaspi Empresa Agroforestal Sierra Cristal, II Frente Oriental. Santiago de Cuba. Cuba.
  • Yordan Lores-Pérez Universidad de Guantánamo. Cuba
  • Adrian Montoya-Ramos Universidad de Guantánamo. Cuba
  • Adonis Martinez-Nieves Universidad de Guantánamo. Cuba
  • Javier Vera-Lopez Universidad de Guantánamo. Cuba


spatial ordering, silvicultural guidelines, stands, lots


The work was developed from September 2019 to July 2020 to project the explanatory notes for the silvicultural and forest exploitation guidelines in the (UEBS) Mayari, Sierra Cristal Agroforestry Company, II Frente Basic Forestry Company, Santiago de Cuba.  Circular plots of 500m2 were raised to determine the dasometric parameters.  The unit has an area of ​​3,901.4 ha, divided into 16 lots and 125 stands, with 340.2 and 45 hectares respectively, distributed in Forests for the Protection and Conservation of Fauna (BPCF) with 670 hectares;  Protective Forests of Waters and Soils (BPAS) with 2,935.8 ha and Producing Forests (BPr) with 295.6 hectares, 88.9% is forested area (3468.4 ha), of which 425.9 ha they are of plantations and 2,598.2 hectares are of natural forests that represent respectively 10.9% and 66.6% of the total surface of the UEB.


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How to Cite

Castañeda-Legaspi, Y., Lores-Pérez, Y., Montoya-Ramos, A., Martinez-Nieves, A., & Vera-Lopez, J. (2021). Explanatory note to apply sylvicultural guidelines and forest use in the Basic Forestry Company Mayari. Man, Science and Technology, 25(3), 111–117. Retrieved from http://hct.cigetgtmo.co.cu/revistahct/index.php/htc/article/view/1176




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