Effect of the Efficient Microorganisms (ME) in the creation and development of beans cultivation in camp conditions
efficient microorganisms (EM), culture, dose, parametersAbstract
The common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) constitutes one of the main food sources of wide consumption due to its nutritional value. The experiment was developed in areas of the farmer Eudis Morales, belonging to the Luís A. Carbó CCS, Limonar de Monte Ruz, El Salvador, Guantánamo, during the April-June 2019 period, with the objective of evaluating the effectiveness of efficient microorganisms (ME) in bean cultivation. The small red variety was chosen, using a random block design with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The results showed a response to the doses applied in the growth parameters of the plants, highlighting the dose of 5% with which the best results were obtained, with a significant difference between the treatments with respect to the control, the best performance was obtained by the number of leaves parameter with a numerical value of 19.4 leaves / plant.
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