Explanatory note to apply silvicultural headlines and forest use in the 13 de Agosto Business Unit, Sierra Cristal
Spatial planning, silvicultural guidelines, stands, lots.Abstract
The research was carried out from September 2019 to July 2020 as the objective of projecting the Explanatory Notes to apply the silvicultural guidelines for forest use in the 13 de Agosto Business Unit, Sierra Cristal Agroforestry Company, II Frente, Santiago de Cuba. A floristic inventory was carried out, and the information was processed and new stands were formed through SIFOMAP 4.1. The results showed that the unit currently has 8 943.3 hectares with 19 lots with an average 340.2 hectares and 126 stands for an average area of 45 hectares distributed in two categories of forests, Waters Protective Forests and Soils with 3 547 hectares and Producing Forests with 5,210.7 hectares, it is concluded that 99.2% is forested area, that is, 8,867.7 hectares, 1,748.9 hectares are plantations and 7008.8 hectares are natural forests.
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