Technological alternatives for the improvement of the processing and commercialization of Arabica washed coffee
With the objective of proposing technological alternatives to increase the processing and commercialization of high-quality Arabica washed coffee in the Processing Company “Asdrúbal López” (Altoserra), the following research was developed in the period from 2014 to 2019. The evaluation of the benefits of the integration of coffee companies with the different Management Systems of the Coffee Processing Company was carried out, for which they used the NC-45001, NC-ISO 14000 and NC-ISO 22001 standards. The indicators evaluated were: customer satisfaction, improved efficiency and quality of life of workers, and efficiency in the marketing processes. As a result, it was possible to recognize the highest percentage of customers’ satisfaction. Regarding productivity, a maximum of 86,300.00 t was reached, while the average salary reached the highest values in 2019 with 1,497.21 Cuban pesos.
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