Biological effectiveness of the insecticide Ciantraniliprol for the Trips (Frankliniella Occidentalis) control
biological effectiveness, insecticide, ThripsAbstract
The work was carried out in Jalisco, Mexico, in the avocado crop, with the objective of evaluating the biological efficacy of the insecticide Ciantraniliprol for the prevention and control of Thrips control. Applications were made with intervals of 14 days. The total number of Thrips quantified in five floral clusters / avocado tree, taken from the middle part was evaluated in order to determine the effectiveness of the treatments. The percentage of control was estimated by Abbott's formula (1925). The data were submitted to Analysis of Variance and Tukey's Means Tests at 5% significance. The best results were obtained 28 days after the first application, where the highest percentage of control was obtained with treatments 1, 2 and 3 based on Benevia 10 OD in doses of 25, 31.25 and 37.5 respectively, with more than 95 % control, both adults and immature, resulting a higher behavior to the witness.
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