Socio-economic characterization of agroecosystems of the Nipe-Sagua-Baracoa mountain range.
Fragile ecosystems; rural communities; mountain rangesAbstract
The research was carried out in the period from April 2016 to September 2018. With the objective of characterizing agroecosystems as well, how to identify problems and needs of producers and in turn develop proposals aimed at favoring the processes of socialization in values associated with the biodiversity that are really internalized and mobilizing. The socioeconomic characterization of 41 mountain agroecosystems (coffee growers, cocoa, coconut and agrosilvopastoral) was performed, randomly with different age groups, of which 5 were women, which meant 12% of the total producers studied. With a total area of 235.48 (ha) located in 4 municipalities of the Nipe-Sagua-Baracoa mountain range. The characterization in the 41 farms investigated became vital as well, as the way in which these were integrated into the cultural, social, economic and environmental processes of each farm, given that they as a whole contributed to sustainability.
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