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    Vol. 22 No. 4 (2018)

    This issue offers the main results of the study on the perception of risks to technological hazards atGuantanamoand the environmental perceptions of the population in some communities in the southern coastal area of the province. It is also pointed out the importance of the incorporation of the gender approach in disaster risk management, technological changes and the use of bioproducts in the increase of yields of different crops, as well as the implementation of integrated management systems in agro-forestry companies guantanameras and environmental management of farms from a methodological proposal.

    Vol. 22 No. 3 (2018)

    This issue offers interesting studies on cooperative management with a gender approach, the proper environmental management in farms and the paramount importance of the use of efficient microorganisms to higher the quality and yields in agricultural productions. Also, effective and economical measures are proposed to achieve soil protection in Alejandro de Humboldt National Park, in which invasive species are controlled to evaluate and reduce their impact. The studies concerningt the effect of hydrometeorological  phenomena are also very important, as well as the preventive alternatives to lower the risks of disasters.

    Vol. 22 No. 2 (2018)

    This issue offers the principal research results aimed at widing the environmental and consevationalist culture at institutions and people in general, throughout the study of the terrestrial landscapes sensitivy, the development of actions that allow to prevent the affectations of the services provided by the State in protected areas, as well as the control measures that permit a rational distribution of the incomes devoted to the environmental management.

    Also, there are relevant studies carried out to increase the quality of agricultural products by generating economical profits, the obtainment of medicative species under semi controlled conditions and the loss decrease of oils dedicated to the coffee production.

    Vol. 22 No. 1 (2018)

    This issue offers different studies with sustainable efficient alternatives aimed at achieving highest results on the agricultural and fat productions, as well as to reinforce the environmental processes and values in communities and institutions in which women play an essential role. There are also presented the vias on the attainment of non-polluting substances that may generate incomes to the Cuban economy by reducing to a great extent the negative impacts on the environment.

  • Número Especial
    Vol. 21 (2017)

    The use of pedratory dashes in plague managment programs, as well as biostimulants to achieve better results in the cultivation and production of foods and the behavior of the main meteorologic variables that influence on the development of the agroforestal industry are among the principal themes included on this special number. Besides, a paramount importance have the studies concerning the pork races with higher levels of yield and the increasement  of the economical contribution of Guantánamo University, taking as a point of departure the application of a marketing strategy, all of them from an environmental and sustainable approach.

    Vol. 21 No. 4 (2017)

    Your journal shows in this issue, articles with a focus eco-developer on agricultural projects, scientifically defined sustainable and healthy profiles, integrated into a robust socio-humanistic, ecological and sustainable local development with a conscious and committed participation of all project local stakeholders in urban and rural communities. Contributions from various provinces, joined with the goal of achieving sustainable and healthy ecosystem management.
    Vol. 21 No. 3 (2017)

    The articles presented in this magazine number will recreate them about all that is making the scientific community to improve the population's feeding making good and efficient use of the earth, saving resources and substituting imports economically for the sake of a sustainable model. It will be able to read on not very frequent topics as: the managerial environmental administration and the environmental variable in the system of countable information, but all with the objective of contributing to the upgrade of the Cuban economic and social pattern.
    Vol. 21 No. 2 (2017)

    The investigators in Cuba are employed at correspondence with the aims of our country to achieve paradigms towards sustainable systems. In this number its present alternatives in correspondence with the local possibilities, increasing the performances significantly in quantity and quality and with minimal hurts in the ecosystems in general.
    Vol. 21 No. 1 (2017)

    In this new issue of the magazine we present articles that reflect more practical and commercial methods for the development of the socio-economic life of the province. It is exhibited initiatives that have as essential precept the rational use of the environment in contemporary society, where man plays a leading role, which is why it is essential the systematic training to facilitate the assimilation of new situations and creative performance in construction of a more prosperous future.
    Vol. 20 No. 4 (2016)

    They are presented pieces of work for the development of the agriculture on sustainable bases to obtain stable productions of economically viable and socially acceptable form, in accord with the environment, the one that the rational use of the modern practices of agricultural production imposes. Regarding this line it will be able to consult various themes about: biodiversity of fauna, the biological product's application FitoMas-E, the bee and the influences of the ecosystem's components, and the efficient use of fertilizers in sugar cane. These themes will be for of concern our assiduous readers, which they find every day in our magazine subjects applicable to their work.
    Vol. 20 No. 3 (2016)

    They are presented works with alternatives that they allow improving the efficiency to contribute to a sustainable and competitive development, working in order to make perfect the productive indicators, as well as optimize the different species production. It is highlighted the necessity of an environmental education to establish a conservation culture where they prevent or let them mitigate the environmental problems, with the aim of achieving a suitable life quality.
    Vol. 20 No. 2 (2016)

    It is vitally important continuing working in the search of new solutions to achieve to satisfy the nutrition needs of the population, under a certain, ecological and sustainable system centering in correcting the environmental crisis whereon finds the planet was gripped with the teeth. In this context, they are developed the proposals and alternatives that they intend in this magazine's number, destined to joining efforts with the aim of attaining the equilibrium in the relations of the human beings with the environment.

  • January-March
    Vol. 20 No. 1 (2016)

    With the organic products' heyday and the friendly alternative technologies need with the environment, it have achieved a notable advance in the practices development that they increase the power of the use of the organic leavings that are generated in the agricultural sector in and that they propitiate a sustainable agriculture. In turn,productive strategies come into question that they permit facing the climatic risks own of the forested regions and an animal production was made suitable to the tropical countries' local conditions.


    Vol. 19 No. 4 (2015)

    In this issue the researchers propose methods for a sustainable development, using organic beneficial products for mankind and the environment, obtaining thus better flora and fauna's species, a best quality of by-products of them and a bigger performance of the soils in exploitation.

    Vol. 19 No. 3 (2015)

    They propose articles that exhibit how to assure the feeding for the population, having as a code the concept “wholesome food", defined as the food free of risk for the health that conserves its nutritional capacity, its attractiveness to the senses, its purity and its freshness. Other articles affirm to reach a superior stage in the protection, rehabilitation and rational use of the natural resources, the environmental citizen conscience and the quality of the population's life, as well as in the improvement of the soils and the animal production. In this direction there works the scientific community that offers its researches to this magazine.

  • april - june
    Vol. 19 No. 2 (2015)

    Solutions to the problems of the ground, the feeding, as well as improvements to the quality of people's life, they are glimpsed in this number. We have received Venezuelan authors' that working of group with the Cubans contributes experiences to improve the Cuban economy.

    Vol. 19 No. 1 (2015)

    Modern agriculture has caused serious environmental impacts, radically altering landscapes and ecosystems on the planet. These changes transform the supply of environmental goods and services and, thus, affect the welfare of society. Given this scenario, researchers are working to improve production systems, reducing environmental impact and improving the living conditions of farmers. The articles presented in this first issue of 2015 empower us with a wide range of knowledge about these topics.

    Vol. 18 No. 4 (2014)

    It remains as a concern for Cuban researchers seeking ways to transform the environment in order to benefit humankind with minimal damage of ecosystems, and balancing and enhancing environment in general. In this issue the fulfillment of these aims is shown in different articles written by some intellectuals from the Cuban provinces Holguin, Havana, Mayabeque, Villa Clara, Santiago de Cuba, and our fellow country Venezuela.

    Vol. 18 No. 3 (2014)

    In Cuba particular attention is given to the protection of mountain areas, due to its fragility and its significance for the development of important economic lines, so this issue of the magazine informs to reading community the achievements of researchers in this battle. Jobs of Guantanamo and Santiago scientists are presented, united by the need to find feasible solutions in the struggle for sustainable agricultural development.

    Vol. 18 No. 2 (2014)

    The sustainability of agriculture is a necessity of the modern world and it has become one of the premises for the welfare of large sections of the population in all countries. Sustainable agricultural development is closely linked to the interpretation given to the ecosystem on which it grows and the consequent application of appropriate concepts in management. The articles in this issue expose innovative ideas that Cuban and Venezuelan scientists argue with the goal of using natural resources for human welfare, with the firm conviction that the environment requires proper handling, care and developing strategies to preserve him.

    Vol. 18 No. 1 (2014)

    Your journal shows in this issue, articles with a focus eco-developer on agricultural projects, scientifically defined sustainable and healthy profiles, integrated into a robust socio-humanistic, ecological and sustainable local development with a conscious and committed participation of all project local stakeholders in urban and rural communities. Contributions from various provinces and countries, joined with the goal of achieving sustainable and healthy ecosystem management.

    Vol. 17 No. 4 (2013)

    Various subjects are proposed in this new issue of their magazine, they have as a point coincident progress in agricultural production, which translates as the inescapable scientific mission of this branch. Important issues are managing such as: the alarming abandonment of mountain ecosystems, alternative, systems, methods to achieve more and better productions, strengthening planning capacity, greater local initiative in promoting economic development, solving territorial problems with self-effort, import substitution, endogenous use of existing resources; all of which points to the clear internalization of the approaches in the guidelines of the VI Congress of the PCC. Collaborations with researchers Holguin, Granma, Havana, Pinar del Rio and countries such as Mexico and Venezuela are presented.

    Vol. 17 No. 3 (2013)

    Recognition of environmental education as crucial aspect for sustainable development is in effect for articles presented in this new issue of their magazine, wanting to be of interest and pleasure. Activity of food production is highlighted, considering that the food security and sovereignty constitute the common denominator of a sustainable society, clearly assuming the principles of respect and care for living things, preserving the vitality and diversity of the environment and minimizing the depletion of non-renewable resources because it is the guarantee of life for future generations. All these ideas are vigorously defended by Cuban and Venezuelan researchers in their work.
    Vol. 17 No. 2 (2013)

    This time the magazine proposes articles of Cuban, Argentines and Venezuelans researchers who share their knowledge on Science, Technology and Environment whose results can be used for decision-making in the social development and citizen participation, in addition to guide the science and technology policy. The value of folk knowledge is recognized, the roots of the ancestral knowledge producers, but it sees the need for systematization of some scientific knowledge and methods to the new generations towards integration for sustainable development and better management of ecosystems to preserve human life.

    Vol. 17 No. 1 (2013)

    This new issue of the magazine proposes fifteen articles that reflect Guantanamo, Santiago de Cuba and Camagüey scientific work in compliance with country policy, and answering the call to provide a greater contribution to the process of economic recovery, focus their work on strengthening the agricultural sector with the vision of achieving an increase in production, proving scientifically the problems affecting the development of agriculture in these areas and exposing methods to achieve improvements in yields of food commodities for the Cuban as: beans, cassava, sweet potatoes, taro, onion; fruits like mango and guava and coffee defendant.

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