Impact of the implementation of the Coffee Development Program in the El Salvador. Cuba.
Coffee development, coffee, coffee productionAbstract
The work was carried out in the agro-productive scenarios of the CCS “Ernesto Che Guevara” located in the Popular Council of Bayate, municipality El Salvador, Guantánamo province. The research relied on different participatory tools to determine the potential and limitations of the niches studied. Technological actions supported by the Coffee Development Program are proposed. The impact of the implementation of the Development Plan for coffee cultivation is evaluated. As a result, the yields of coffee production were increased by 48% compared to the volumes reached before the base five years.Downloads
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How to Cite
Terry-Cuba, I. A. L., Meriño-Mayné, I. A., & Abreu-Romero, L. N. (2019). Impact of the implementation of the Coffee Development Program in the El Salvador. Cuba. Man, Science and Technology, 23(3), 20–26. Retrieved from
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