It influences of the Microben in the development and productivity of the cultivation of Soya.
Soybean, microben, efficient microorganismsAbstract
The research was conducted at the Cooperative “Luís A Carbó†with the objective of evaluating the effect of Microben in the growth and development of soybean cultivation. A design randomized complete block design with three replications was used. The data were subjected to statistical analysis ANOVA and means were compared by the comparison test of Tukey at 5% error by Statgraphic statistical processor. The results showed that efficient microorganisms when applied at different concentrations on the best result of all morphological parameters and morpho production soybean crop was 5% concentration with statistically significant differences in relation to other treatments, this could be influenced by their effect on the growth of microorganisms, quality, productivity and crop development, and promote flowering, fruiting and ripening for their hormonal effects.
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