Productive response of five varieties of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris l.) in mountain conditions.
common bean, PhaseolusVulgaris, l., mountain ecosystemsAbstract
Research to study different varieties and select the best production response in soil and climatic conditions of the municipality of El Salvador, Guantanamo is performed. The experiment was developed on the grounds of Orlando Martinez Pelegrin in Limonar community, on a sialitic fluffy brown soil without carbonate. Five selected in different genebanks varieties were studied and relevant assessments were performed: # seeds / pods (u), # pods / plant (u), weighing 100 grains (g) and yield (t ha-1). The experimental design was randomized blocks, five treatments (varieties), three replicates; the data were processed statistically using ANOVA Unifactorial. To determine differences between treatments Comparison Test Duncan's multiple range 95% was used. It was found that all tested varieties can be set in production areas in mountain ecosystems for the People's Council Limonar Monte Ruz.
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