Production and chemical composition of californium worm (Eisenia foetida).


  • Ing.Carlos Enrique Ordaz-Lugo Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones AgrícolasDelta Amacuro, Venezuela.
  • M Sc. Carlos Marcano-Moreno Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones AgrícolasDelta Amacuro, Venezuela
  • Dr. C.Manuel Riera-Nelson Universidad Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Dr. C. Coralia S. Leyva-Tellez Universidad Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Lic. Lerimar Del Valle-Montero Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones AgrícolasDelta Amacuro, Venezuela


red californium worm, agroecological biotechnology, vermiculture


Vermiculture is best known as an agroecological biotechnology used for the transformation of solid residue through the direct acting of soil worm. The objective of this work is to produce a dry biomass of red californium worm for getting flour and to study the chemical composition, for that purpose there were made 2 quarry of 3 m2 c/u putting innocuous of worm with a total weight of 750gr c/u, buffalo manure as bed and vegetable residues as diet, these ones previously washed and cut. A total sampling after six months of raising and through a manual counting it was obtained an average production of 59 425 worms per each quarry, besides it was made a nutrition analysis obtaining 44,8% of protein, 10,15% de carbohydrate; 15,2% of lipid; 9,2% of ash and 5 % of humidity. It was concluded that flour of the red californium worm possess an acceptable composition to be done as an alternative source for animal nutrition.



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How to Cite

Ordaz-Lugo, I. E., Marcano-Moreno, M. S. C., Riera-Nelson, D. C., Leyva-Tellez, D. C. C. S., & Del Valle-Montero, L. L. (2015). Production and chemical composition of californium worm (Eisenia foetida). Man, Science and Technology, 19(3), 16–21. Retrieved from




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