Alternative systems for responsible fishing of the white shrimp (Litopenaeusschmitti).


  • Ing. Drudys Cipriano-Araujo INIA Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Acuícolas, Tucupita. Delta Amacuro. Venezuela.
  • M Sc. Carlos Alberto Moreno-Marcano INIA Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Acuícolas, Tucupita. Delta Amacuro. Venezuela.
  • Dra. C. Coralia S. Leyva-Téllez Universidad de Guantánamo, Cuba.


fishing gear, bycatch, white shrimp


Evaluation of three alternative fishing gear in order to reduce the high biomass of bycatch (discard) caught in fishing of white shrimp with a small net in the delta of the Orinoco River. Production indicators measured were: Biomass captured of white shrimp and bycatch and physical factors -chemical water of the capture zone. They were caught 65.34 Kg of white shrimp with three gears, obtaining a total biomass of bycatch of 571.29 Kg with artisanal net (small control), it was captured 39.71 Kg of shrimp; while with the experimental net were obtained 23.42 Kg and also with the tenter background capture was 2.21 Kg. The gear experimental Double Lacing despite shrimp caught less than the control, was more selective in the capture of bycatch.


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How to Cite

Cipriano-Araujo, I. D., Moreno-Marcano, M. S. C. A., & Leyva-Téllez, D. C. C. S. (2015). Alternative systems for responsible fishing of the white shrimp (Litopenaeusschmitti). Man, Science and Technology, 19(2), 14–20. Retrieved from




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