Influence of Different Handling in Sugar Cane in a Vertisol Pélic.
Vertisol Pélico, Sugar Cane, continuous cultivationAbstract
The work was carried out with the obtained information of the Experiment of Long Duration of Continuous Cultivation of sugar cane planted in a Vertisol Pélico with the Type of Use of the Land: Harvests with Burns of Residuals, Harvests Green without Residual, and Green Crop with Residual. They took data of analytic determinations of the pH, MO, phosphorus and assimilable potassium, interchangeable cations, COS, RAS, and the Agricultural Yield. They were highly significant differences in Ca2+ in different TUT, and in Mg2+ but significant form. Na+ and the RAS, they manifested significant differences. The pH, the assimilable phosphorus and the calcium, they increase their values; the content of sodium and the RAS diminish. CVCR was of agricultural yields better with respects to CQDR and CVSR.
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