Intercropping of agricultural crops in established plantations of Citrus latifolia Tanaka.
Citrus latifolia, Cucumis sativus, Phaseolus vulgaris, Vigna unguiculata, agricultural cropsAbstract
The research was conducted in two periods (January-May and July-November 2012) on the agritourism farm Brevenia , owned by Mr. Julio Ramirez , Urape Table community, , located in the Parish Caucagua, municipality Acevedo, Miranda state, with the objective to determine the agronomic and economic effects of intercropping of fabaceae in established plantations on Citrus latifolia Tanaka, for an efficient use of the land. For the assembly of the experiment was used a block design at random with four replies and two treatments: T1. C. latifolia + Phaseolus vulgaris and T2. C. latifolia + Vigna unguiculata. It was proven that the best productive and economic results and the higher indexes of the efficiency of the land were obtained by Vigna unguiculata that which improved the sustainability of the agroecosistem.
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