Perception of the habitants the council popular “Costa Rica” on agricultural production and local development.


  • Ing. Milagros Robert-La O Facultad Agroforestal de Montaña (FAM). Universidad de Guantánamo (UG). El Salvador, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Dr. C. Adrián Montoya-Ramos Facultad Agroforestal de Montaña (FAM). Universidad de Guantánamo (UG). El Salvador, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Dr. C. José Antonio Rodríguez-Oruña Facultad Agroforestal de Montaña (FAM). Universidad de Guantánamo (UG). El Salvador, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • M Sc. Juan de Dios Robles-Pastrana Universidad de Guadalajara, Jalisco, México


local development, agricultural production


With the objective of knowing the perception of the inhabitants of the community of Costa Rica regarding the local development a survey was applied to examine general aspects related with the level of knowledge on the local development, the characteristics of the community, main production forms and the training necessities. All those interviewed declared to know on that consists the process of local development, however the level of knowledge regarding the topic and the endogenous, basic possibilities that originate in the community and where the inhabitants constitute a decisive factor they are not known, or the arguments are not adapted to the process of local development.


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How to Cite

Robert-La O, I. M., Montoya-Ramos, D. C. A., Rodríguez-Oruña, D. C. J. A., & Robles-Pastrana, M. S. J. de D. (2013). Perception of the habitants the council popular “Costa Rica” on agricultural production and local development. Man, Science and Technology, 17(4), 39–44. Retrieved from

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