Influence of two biofertilizers on the production of guava postures.
biofertilizers, mycorrhizas, guavaAbstract
The Center for the Development of Mountain, located in the municipality El Salvador in Guantánamo, in order to evaluate the influence of two biofertilizers on the growth and development of guava postures. Postures from the seedbed at green house, with homogeneous diameter and height were used, which were sown in polyethylene bags, on a substratum containing red ferralític mountain soil and worm humus in proportion 7:1. The postures were inoculated with mycorrhizas (Intrarradices) to dose of 5 g and Azotobacter to 20%, which were applied at the moment of the transplant. The results showed a significant stimulation effect on the development of the guava postures when using Azotobacter and mycorrhizas in a combined way.
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