Effect de two levels of inclusion of meal of coconut in the diet of the rabbit.
levels of inclusion, meal of coconut, rabbit.Abstract
The work was carried out in the Popular Council San Justo, belonging to the county Guantánamo, in the period of January-April of 2010, with the objective of evaluating the effect of two levels of inclusion of meal coconut in the diet of the rabbit. Two diets were made with the use of the coconut meal (25, 35%) in it feeds it rabbit, which constituted the treatments, taking as control the think Industrial. One worked with 60 rabbits of 42 days of born, using (20 rabbits for treatment). The food was given to reason of 100g/día with 300g of green forage. To the 72 days the alive weight (g) was evaluated and the gain in weight (g) of the same ones. The results showed that it was possible to increase the final weight and gain in weight with the inclusion of different concentrations of coconut meal in the feeding of the rabbit.
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