Community environmental education from the diagnostic skill


  • Yurisandra Savourin-Nelson Universidad de Guantánamo. Carretera de Jamaica. Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Juana Daudinot-Gamboa Universidad de Guantánamo. Carretera de Jamaica. Guantánamo, Cuba.


Ability, Diagnostic; Community; Environment


Humanity in its daily walk underestimated its action against nature and assumed its environment as infinite and inextinguishable. The environmental deterioration that the Planet is experiencing, threatened from different moral and material angles, are the main negative features of this era, the anthropic ideas that nature and everything that was created was made to serve man, and on the other hand, by lack of adequate attitudes and social commitments towards the management and care of natural resources. This situation has made us think about actions that allow us to diagnose how to save the community. Therefore, environmental education is an essential element to achieve this objective. Actions are offered to improve the preparation of future professionals, on the importance and care of the community environment, supported by different empirical and theoretical methods that contribute to arriving at a scientific foundation for the topic.


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How to Cite

Savourin-Nelson, Y. ., & Daudinot-Gamboa, J. . (2025). Community environmental education from the diagnostic skill. Man, Science and Technology, 28(4), 74–82. Retrieved from




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