Economic valuation of ecosystem services in a cocoa agroforestry system in Baracoa: a study case
Cacao; Agroforestry System; Ecosystem Services; Total economic valuationAbstract
With the objective of economically valuing the main ecosystem services identified in the cocoa agroforestry system, this research was carried out at Los Yacer Farm in Baracoa municipality, Guantánamo province. The variables considered were the use and non-use values from the application of the Methodological Guide for the Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Goods and Services and Environmental Damage. The estimated total economic value was 17289815,69 CUP, the percentage structure of this result is made up of 1,67% of direct use values, while the indirect use value represented 15,18%, those of option the 0,13 % and those of no use 83,02%. It is concluded that the economic value of one hectare is 1080613,48 CUP/ha/year, results which constitute inputs for the improvement of management plans that contribute to the maintenance of the quality and sustainability of the services provided by the farm.
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