Plant response of taro (Xanthosoma sagitifolium) vitroplants to application of Vigortem®
Taro vitroplants; Acclimatization process; Plant responseAbstract
With the objective of evaluating the effect of VIGORTEM®, two tests were carried out on taro plants of the “Viequera” clone. They were moved to the acclimatization phase, in trays containing soil and organic matter, at a temperature of 25±1°C, and a relative humidity of 60%, in the period from September to December 2021. The height, number of leaves, pseudostem diameter and total fresh and dry mass. From the data obtained, the means were compared with the Duncan test, using the Statgraphics statistical package. Version. 5.1. It was found that the dose of 6 L. ha-1 of VIGORTEM® with three application frequencies is the most efficient to achieve an adequate acclimatization process of high-quality taro plants by generating the highest profits 3893.97.
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