Incidence level of the bacterial spot caused by Xanthomona euvesicatoria in the tomato crop (Solanum lycopersicum L.) in Guantánamo
tomato, Xanthomona, orchard, incidenceAbstract
With the objective of evaluating the incidence of X. euvesicatoria in tomato cultivation in Intensive Orchard conditions in the Guantánamo municipality, as well as its influence on agricultural yields, the following investigation was developed on a totally randomized design, in an experimental area that included 96 m2. It contained two studies: determination of diseases incidence level and the evaluation of the plant's response to the different performance indicators. It was obtained as a result that the highest incidence was found in the lower part of the plant, gradually increasing until reaching the entire plant, which translated into levels of affectation 20,2 – 35,5 %. The evaluation of the response in the different productive indicators, allowed to reach yields 5,74 t.ha-1, obtaining $ 5,778,00 ha-1 of profits, caused by the level of damage.
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