Grassland indicators in plant-animal interface according to season and grazing methods
biomass, availability, season, grazing method, pastureAbstract
To evaluate the behavior of indicators of the pasture in the plant-animal interface according to season and grazing methods, an experiment was developed where 60 crossbred Holstein calves were used with 4.2 ± 0.3 months of age and 64.5 ± 3.01 kilograms of live weight, randomly distributed in two groups managed under two grazing methods: Portioning and Rotational. Biomass production, dry matter availability, resting time, grazing pressure and botanical composition were determined as main elements, statistically analyzed using a double classification linear model. The selected elements are more influenced by season than by method, although portioned grazing favors the yield by rotation and a reduction in the grazing area in the order of 19%, without affecting the resting time with a favorable tendency of the effect on the stability and purity of the pasture with a value of 86.73% of the improved species.
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