Agroproductive behaviour of eleven bean varieties (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Guantanamo province
cultivate; agro-productive; Velasco LargoAbstract
For evaluating the agro-productive behavior of 11 beans varieties in the agro-ecological conditions of Guantanamo province, this investigation was carried out in Fructuoso Rodriguez “La Faraona” farm, located in La Inagua, Niceto Pérez Garcia municipality from Guantánamo province. The results of this investigation showed a differential behavior among the varieties object of study and the same varieties cultivated in other ecosystems, in which, in a general way, Velasco Largo variety illustrated the greatest productive results with 2,48 t. ha-1, followed by La Criollo Blanco with 1,77 t. ha-1, both exceed the 1,1-t. ha-1, which is the average yield of this grain in Cuba. This behavior is contrary to behavior observed when evaluating the variable growth components, where Velasco Largo confirmed a poor development.
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