Diagnostic of problematics and solution alternatives in sheep–goats production system in the oriental region of Cuba


  • Isleydi Rodríguez-Cruz Universidad de Guantánamo. Cuba
  • Enio Utria-Borges Universidad de Guantánamo. Cuba
  • Víctor Manuel Álvarez-Villar Universidad de Guantánamo. Cuba
  • Humberto Osorio-Espinoza Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas. México.
  • Elisa Brooks-Nápoles Centro Universitario Municipal El Salvador, Guantánamo, Cuba.


Diagnostic; sheep–goats Livestock; meat, milk


In order to diagnose the main problems that limit the development of sheep - goat exploitation in the eastern region of Cuba, the main ways to solve them and the elaboration of a future strategy for the development of these species, the present work was carried out with the advice of the Local Agricultural Innovation Project in Guantánamo. Producers, specialists, researchers, teachers, governmental and institutional authorities were brought together through a regional workshop, which identified the problems and the main local alternatives. Nine strategic lines to consider and alternative solutions were defined. The non-existence of an organization of elements such as a sheep-goat farm was concluded to define production objectives, efficient marketing channels and a technical assistance plan that includes the actions to be carried out to solve the existing problems in the Declared Strategic Lines and improve economic-productive indicators.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Cruz, I., Utria-Borges, E., Álvarez-Villar, V. M., Osorio-Espinoza, H., & Brooks-Nápoles, E. (2021). Diagnostic of problematics and solution alternatives in sheep–goats production system in the oriental region of Cuba. Man, Science and Technology, 25(2), 37–46. Retrieved from http://hct.cigetgtmo.co.cu/revistahct/index.php/htc/article/view/1142




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