Improvement of saline soils physico-chemical indicators from Sustainable Land Management practices
Salinity, soils, management practices.Abstract
Aimed to evaluate the changes experienced in the physico-chemical indicators of a soil affected by salinity from Sustainable Land Management (SLM) practices, the work was carried out on a Fluvisol soil, with salinity levels that classify it as a very strongly saline soil, where SLM practices related to the drainage systems enabling, use of organic fertilizers, minimum tillage, use of bioproducts and the irrigation system’s replacement were established. The physical and chemical indicators were evaluated. Together, the main crops yield exploited on the farm was monitored. The results showed that the implementation of these practices allowed improving the evaluated indicators, when registering a decrease in apparent density, soil compaction and electric conductivity (EC), which drops to values which classify it as non-saline soil. Besides, there is a tendency to increase the main exploited crops yields.
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