Milk composition, variation according to breed and lactation
milk quality, cattle breedsAbstract
Aimed to evaluate the effect of breed and lactation stage on the composition of bovine milk, twenty-one lactation cows of the Holstein and Jersey genotypes were used for this research. Sampling was done manually before the start of milking in the morning. The samples were sent to the analysis laboratory of the project's shopping center, where the fat and protein content was determined; total solids and non-fat solids. There was a marked effect of the breed and the stage of lactation on the content of the components analyzed in the milk, being the Jersey breed the one with the highest percentage in the content of fat, protein, total solids (TS) and non-fat solids (SNF), while cows with four months of lactation, produce a milk with a higher content of total solids TS and non-fat solids (SNF).
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