Impact of renewable energy to the Integral Development Plan of rural communities.


  • MSc. Gustavo E. Fernández-Salva ONURE. MINEM. Guantánamo. Cuba
  • Ing. Odelmis Bayeux-Quiroga Empresa Eléctrica Guantánamo.Cuba
  • Ing. Ramón Mustelier-Pardo Empresa Eléctrica Guantánamo.Cuba
  • Lic. Mara Blanco-Domínguez Empresa Eléctrica Guantánamo.Cuba
  • MSc Milagros Bracho-Tarafa LABIOFAM. Guantánamo. Cuba


integrated development plan; renewable energies; rural communities; local development


The proposed actions are exposed to the integral development plan and those executed in rural communities between 2012 and 2018 of the municipalities of El Salvador, San Antonio del Sur and Guantanamo and which were aimed at reversing the energy matrix from conventional to renewable to the sustainable production of food and energy with a view to curbing the exodus of the population towards the cities. This has been achieved through the participation of central agencies and municipal governments through their own local development programs. The strategy of the integral development of both municipalities in the 2012 - 2020 environment was revised, whose main objective was to reverse the energy matrix until achieving a higher% of renewable energies with respect to conventional energy and reducing the pollutant load produced by the burning of fuels fossils Investments not executed until 2025 were rescheduled.


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How to Cite

Fernández-Salva, M. G. E., Bayeux-Quiroga, I. O., Mustelier-Pardo, I. R., Blanco-Domínguez, L. M., & Bracho-Tarafa, M. M. (2019). Impact of renewable energy to the Integral Development Plan of rural communities. Man, Science and Technology, 23(4), 60–68. Retrieved from


