Support to local technical-productive capacities of cocoa producers.
Feasibility studies, technological capabilities, Productive processes, technological projectsAbstract
In the municipality of Baracoa there are weaknesses in the technological capabilities of the production process, which do not allow increasing productivity and efficiency in the 28 productive bases of the municipality that are dedicated to the cultivation of cocoa. With the approval and implementation of the project's actions: Support for local technical-productive capacities of cocoa producers, it is intended to provide technological resources to producers, which will improve the working conditions and technological infrastructure of the bases productive, as well as expand the cocoa areas. The study carried out was considered for a period of five years, a recommended period considering the technology used and the expected production volumes, demonstrating the viability of the project as of the recovery of the same in a year and a favorable behavior in the rate of return on investment and an acceptable internal rate of return.Downloads
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How to Cite
Rodríguez-Cambas, I. A., Cortina-Cayón, I. G. L., Constante-Bonnané, I. E., Peña-Arias, L. Y., & Pérez-Trejo, L. J. M. (2019). Support to local technical-productive capacities of cocoa producers. Man, Science and Technology, 23(3), 27–35. Retrieved from
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