Effect of cow and goat manure in the cultivation of cucumber under organoponic conditions.
organic matter, culture, sheep manure, yields.Abstract
The research was developed with the objective of evaluating the response of the cultivation of cucumber (Cucumis sativus Lin) with two sources of organic matter. The variety used was Puerto Padre. The sowing was carried out on masons built according to technical norms for organoponics and intensive gardens, as well as the cultural attentions aimed at guaranteeing an adequate development of the crop, for which certified and quality seeds were used from the Seed Processing and Production Company from Holguín province. The treatments consisted on T1 (E. bovine), T2 (E. ovino) and T3 (Control). For the statistical analysis, the STATGRAPHICS version 5.1 package was used. The experiment showed that the best response of the plant to the different alternatives used was obtained with the application of sheep manure for all the evaluated variables and with yields of 18.33kg.m2, where it also achieved the best economic response with higher profits.Downloads
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How to Cite
Durand-Cos, M. J. I., Vicente-Sevillano, M. Y., Tope-Rodríguez, I. A., Terry-Lamothe, I. A. O., & Gooffe-Sánchez, L. S. (2019). Effect of cow and goat manure in the cultivation of cucumber under organoponic conditions. Man, Science and Technology, 23(2), 37–45. Retrieved from http://hct.cigetgtmo.co.cu/revistahct/index.php/htc/article/view/932
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