Animal breeding characterization in coffee and cocoa agroecosystems.


  • Marisol Lafargue-Sav Centro de Desarrollo de la Montaña.
  • Nancy Noa-Lobaina Centro de Desarrollo de la Montaña.
  • Annia Rivera-Hern Centro de Desarrollo de la Montaña.
  • Aliesky Meri Centro de Desarrollo de la Montaña.


animal breeding, producers, agroecosystems


The work was developed with 30 producers from the municipalities of Manuel Tames, Yateras and Baracoa from Guantanamo province and Sagua de Tánamo, Holguín, from January 2016 to March 2018, with the objective of characterizing animal breeding in two mountainous agroecosystems. A survey was applied at farm level, for the compilation of information about food, health and reproduction. The animal species according to productive purpose and type of agroecosystem were identified. The results showed the presence of 7 species of domestic animals: birds (Gallus gallus), rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), pigs (Sus Scrofa Meriodionalis), sheep (Ovis aries), goats (Capra hircus), bovines (Bos Taurus) and equines (Equus caballus), with a great diversity of poultry (chickens, ducks, turkeys and guinea fowl) and it was achieved a higher incidence of parasitism in coffee and cocoa agroecosystems.


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How to Cite

Lafargue-Sav, M., Noa-Lobaina, N., Rivera-Hern, A., & Meri, A. (2018). Animal breeding characterization in coffee and cocoa agroecosystems. Man, Science and Technology, 22, 24–31. Retrieved from




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